Sun, Dec 22, 2024

Important warning from Tesla: Do not use a wet towel when charging

Important warning from Tesla: Do not use a wet towel when charging

Tesla owners who want to shorten the charging time of their electric vehicles have been wrapping wet towels around the end of the charging cable. Tesla, which made a statement, said that this was dangerous and warned drivers.

Some Tesla owners have discovered that on sunny and hot days, they can trick the system into getting more power from a Supercharger station and save a few extra minutes when charging top-up.

According to information received from users, placing a wet cloth on the charging cable handle shortens the charging time.

This solution is said to be especially useful on a hot day when the sun hits the charging cable directly and raises the temperature.

Since the old V2 Supercharger stations do not have actively cooled cables, they can heat up very quickly.

As a result, a sensor inside the handle tells the charger to reduce the charging speed to maintain a safe temperature.

However, placing a wet towel on the handle protects it from sunlight and keeps it at a lower temperature. In this way, cars can charge faster.

Tesla has warned vehicle owners not to wrap a wet towel around the Supercharger connector to speed up the charging process. According to the company, this is extremely dangerous and can have serious consequences.

The company said in a statement: "Wrapping a wet towel around the handle of the Supercharger cable will not increase charging rates and interferes with the temperature sensors, posing a risk of overheating or damage.

Please refrain from doing this so our systems can work properly and detect real charging issues."

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