Thu, Sep 19, 2024

5 out of 1000 Vehicles in Traffic are Electric

5 out of 1000 Vehicles in Traffic are Electric

In 2023, a year of electric cars, 5 out of every 1000 cars will be electric.

The number of cars registered in traffic in 2023 increased by at least 5 percent compared to the previous year. While the majority of relaxed automobile manufacturers and Chinese brands also have an impact on this, electric cars constitute a significant part of new sales.

In Turkey, the country that bet on the news, the number of vehicles registered to traffic increased by 80.3 percent last year. The number of cars deregistered from traffic decreased by 10 percent.

The biggest increase was in electric cars. While the number of electric car sales was 24 in 2011, when they first entered traffic, this number reached 952 in 2018. By 2023, this number will be 65 thousand 558, increasing its share in traffic to 6.9.

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