Thu, Sep 19, 2024

Electric cars will be cheaper in the future: Battery costs have fallen by 90 percent

Electric cars will be cheaper in the future: Battery costs have fallen by 90 percent

A study on the costs of electric car batteries shows that the cost of battery production has fallen by 90 percent in 15 years.

Although the rise of electric vehicles is faster than ever, there has been a slowdown in the market in recent months.

According to a study by the Vehicle Technologies Office (DOE), established by the US Department of Energy, electric car battery costs have fallen by 90 percent in the last 15 years.

This means that electric vehicles may soon be more affordable than internal combustion engine vehicles.

Developments in battery technologies and economies of scale in production are among the most important reasons for this decline.

Experts predict that electric vehicles will become accessible to everyone as this trend continues.

According to a study by the DOE, battery costs have fallen by around 90 percent between 2008 and 2023.

In 2008, the cost of a 1 kWh battery was around $1,415. This amount has now fallen to $139.

Based on this data, we can say that the cost of an 80 kWh battery, which we see in many electric cars, is around $11,120. The cost of a 100 kWh battery is $13,900.

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