Sun, Dec 22, 2024

Tesla Wants to Break Its Record in Turkey

Tesla Wants to Break Its Record in Turkey

Tesla, which recently added Turkey to the European market, said that they wanted to break a new record after Model Y, the car on sale. 

American electric car manufacturer Tesla opened a factory in Germany in the past months, and shortly after the opening of the factory, the Model Y was sold in Turkey and managed to achieve a serious sales graph. 

In Tesla, where cars can be sold not only at dealers but also online, users who pay 10 thousand Turkish liras get their cars after a short time. Tesla, which announced that more than 5 thousand deliveries have taken place since they first went on sale, said that they are targeting 10 thousand deliveries by the end of October. 

This means a world record for Tesla in terms of sales. Let's see if the record will come from Turkey. 

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