Thu, Sep 19, 2024

Elon Musk gave the good news: 3 new Tesla models are coming

Elon Musk gave the good news: 3 new Tesla models are coming

Elon Musk announced that 3 new cars are on the way at the event held by Tesla in Texas.

World-famous electric car manufacturer Tesla held an event in Texas. Elon Musk made important statements at the event to which he also invited investors.

According to the statement, Tesla is working on 3 new cars. However, Elon Musk did not provide any information about these cars.

A photo that Elon Musk exhibited at his presentation gives us a brief look at three new cars.

It's easy to see that one of these will have a pickup truck-like design. It is unclear what the other 2 models will be.

It is quite possible that one of these will be robotaxi, which is expected to be introduced in August 2024.

In a statement made in the past, Tesla said that it had accelerated the launch planning of its new cars and that they would be introduced in late 2024 and early 2025.

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