Fri, Sep 20, 2024

Huge Investment from Suzuki to India

Huge Investment from Suzuki to India

Suzuki is preparing to make an investment of 350 billion rupees for the new automobile factory it will establish in India. This amount corresponds to 4.2 billion dollars in dollar terms.

Japanese automobile manufacturers continue to invest in production and sales in the Asia-Pacific market on behalf of each other. According to the statement made by Suzuki Motor, it chose India for its new automobile factory. Suzuki Motor, which announced that they will invest a total of 4.2 billion dollars, will complete the factory in March 2029.

The first target for the new factory to be established is 1 million cars per year. "We will offer a variety of sustainable mobility options, focusing on Indian customers in this ever-growing country," Suzuki president Toshihiro Suzuki said in a statement. said.

"Maruti Suzuki", a product of the Japanese-Indian partnership, has the capacity to produce 2.25 million cars annually. This means 40 percent of the Indian automobile market.

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