Thu, Sep 19, 2024

Audi brings ChatGPT to its cars after 2021

Audi brings ChatGPT to its cars after 2021

In the official statement made by Audi, it was shared that ChatGPT support will come to cars after 2021.

ChatGPT, the chat bot developed by OpenAI, has also been a favorite of automobile manufacturers lately.

Following Peugeot and Volkswagen, which offer ChatGPT support in their new models, Audi also announced its new plans.

Audi will incorporate OpenAI's artificial intelligence-based chatbot ChatGPT into its infotainment system to improve the voice control capabilities of its vehicles.

Starting from July this year, ChatGPT support will come to approximately two million vehicles produced since 2021 and equipped with the third generation infotainment system (MIB 3).

Audi vehicle owners will be able to interact with their vehicles using natural language and receive information from artificial intelligence while driving.

Drivers with a qualifying Audi vehicle will now be able to use advanced voice controls to operate the infotainment, navigation and air conditioning systems or to ask general information questions.

According to the company, the ability to request information using natural language will make driving safer because the driver does not need to take his eyes off the road.

Audi integrates ChatGPT into vehicles through its own assistant, rather than directly.

For example, if the Audi assistant cannot find an answer to a question, it forwards the relevant question to ChatGPT and the answer is given to the driver.

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